Comparing Carer Payment with Age Pension

If you are a carer or have a friend or family member who is a carer and is over age pension age, you should know that you can choose to receive either the carer payment or the age pension. The following table compares the issues that may help you or your family member make the decision which payment to receive. 

Carer PaymentAge Pension
Means testingApplies to carer and care receiverOnly applies to carer
Residency requirementsCarer and care receiver must be Australian residents May apply to newly arrived migrants after 208 weeks in AustraliaMust generally be an Australian resident and must also have been one for at least ten years, five of these years continuous
ReviewsCarer reviews may occur (ie. twice yearly)No carer reviews (unless in receipt of Carer Allowance)
TravelUp to 13 weeks for overseas travel without care receiverCan be paid indefinitely – depends on conditions
RespiteBreaks up to 63 days per yearNot affected
Carer supplement$600 paOnly paid if also receiving Carer Allowance
Rent assistanceHigher rate if single and sharing private accommodationLower rate if single and sharing private accommodation
Work/volunteering/studyLimits on hours – 25 per weekNo limits
Study assistanceMay be entitledNot entitled
Bereavement paymentReceive lump sum if carer was singleNo entitlement

Additional information is available via the Department of Human Services website via this link.

Should you or a family member wish to discuss which payment might be better for you, please contact us to have a chat.

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