The duration of retirement savings Once you get an idea of how long the money needs to last, the next step is to work out how long your money can potentially last. The table below illustrates, for any particular amount of retirement savings, how long the money might last assuming a constant annual drawdown amount … Continue Reading
When planning your retirement, the lifestyle you want to achieve is an important consideration and a starting point for setting your long-term wealth creation plans. The sum of money that you can accumulate during your working life will drive how much income you can generate in retirement. This obviously then affects your lifestyle options, especially … Continue Reading
The Federal Budget was handed down last Tuesday, May 8, 2018. While the measures announced in the budget are yet to be passed by Parliament, we can generally assume that most of the announcements will become reality. From an individual perspective – especially if you do not grow illegal tobacco or participate in the black … Continue Reading
Buying a family home is a unique purchase. While the fundamental elements of demand and supply will impact on the economic performance of a home, how much a person enjoys living in a home will vary according to their personal preferences. So, how do people determine their personal preferences? There are three common variables: location, features and … Continue Reading
Ahh, the Great Australian Dream! You have made the decision to make it come true, but where do you start? and more importantly How do you start? Let me start by making a comment regarding the Australian property market in general. In my opinion, the housing market in Australia and particularly in the capital cities … Continue Reading
So you have a mortgage and would like to pay it off as soon possible. Here are some of our tips to get you started on the journey of debt-free-ness Understand the difference between the minimum repayments, your actual repayments and the interest cost Many people seem to confuse the repayment amount to the actual … Continue Reading