How does asset allocation affect duration? Table 2 on the previous post shows the outcomes for effective earning rates ranging from 1% – 10%. The higher the earnings rate, the longer your money could potentially last, so asset allocation can have an important impact on the duration of your retirement savings. Picking an appropriate asset … Continue Reading
The duration of retirement savings Once you get an idea of how long the money needs to last, the next step is to work out how long your money can potentially last. The table below illustrates, for any particular amount of retirement savings, how long the money might last assuming a constant annual drawdown amount … Continue Reading
Comparing Carer Payment with Age Pension If you are a carer or have a friend or family member who is a carer and is over age pension age, you should know that you can choose to receive either the carer payment or the age pension. The following table compares the issues that may help you … Continue Reading
When planning your retirement, the lifestyle you want to achieve is an important consideration and a starting point for setting your long-term wealth creation plans. The sum of money that you can accumulate during your working life will drive how much income you can generate in retirement. This obviously then affects your lifestyle options, especially … Continue Reading
01/03/2021 From 20th of March 2021 the fortnightly base rate for the aged pension will rise by $8.40 for singles to $952.70, and by $12.60 for couples to $1,436.20. These rates include Pension Supplement and Energy Supplement which are payable to all pensioners. This may be a small increase for many older Australians but every … Continue Reading
As financial planners, helping our clients manage their family home is one of the most enjoyable things we do. We love family homes. For a start, we love families – and families live in family homes. What’s more, enjoying your home is the easiest way to enjoy life in general. A happy home – and … Continue Reading
As financial advisers, we want you to manage all of your financial affairs as effectively as possible. So, we want to explain a simple but powerful concept that makes sure that any donation you give does as much good as possible. The idea is to give donations to charities for which you can claim a … Continue Reading
Superannuation really is super. Super lets you pay less tax and boost your retirement savings, all in one go. We really like it and we think you should too. If you are an employee, then you are almost certainly entitled to receive compulsory super contributions from your employer. Generally, these contributions equal 9.5% of your … Continue Reading