When you sell an investment that has increased in value, you will typically be subject to capital gains tax, or CGT. That said, there are certain assets that can be sold CGT-free. The CGT-free asset par excellence is the home. The concept of the home as a CGT free investment (and as a Centrelink free … Continue Reading
Buying a family home is a unique purchase. While the fundamental elements of demand and supply will impact on the economic performance of a home, how much a person enjoys living in a home will vary according to their personal preferences. So, how do people determine their personal preferences? There are three common variables: location, features and … Continue Reading
Ahh, the Great Australian Dream! You have made the decision to make it come true, but where do you start? and more importantly How do you start? Let me start by making a comment regarding the Australian property market in general. In my opinion, the housing market in Australia and particularly in the capital cities … Continue Reading